sötétsugárzó, hőlégbefúvó, termoventilátor, infrasugárzó, csarnok fűtés



Our MVT thermo ventilators have been part of our product catalogue for over 15 years and during this period we had the opportunity to assess, which types are mostly needed for the heating and/or cooling of halls. Thanks to this experience we are having a product catalogue today which contains all the possible designs that make us be able to meet any requirements. The appropriateness and applicability of our devices is guaranteed by the integration of outstanding raw materials, such as:

  • Thin-wall, outstanding emission copper pipe system
  • Extremely clean, aluminium lamellae
  • Long-wearing, massive electric controller/distributing boards
  • First-class blow-off ventilator made in Europe
Our thermo ventilator product series contains 12 different models altogether with their accessories. In addition to all this, every single model can be ordered in a form which is suitable for steam operation or in acid-resistant design. Among the accessories there can be found every necessary element that enables you to set up a complete air technical system. There is a possibility of external–internal air circulation and/or mixture, but also that of the application of heat recovery.